Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Macie is two and eating bugs for breakfast!?

October was a very busy month for us!  We were home a total of ONE day and spent the others traveling on deputation.  After our first two weeks of the month spent crammed in the Jetta driving all over the Seattle area we came home, packed frantically and grabbed a red-eye flight to Anchorage, AK.  Although all of the locals in Alaska assured us that it wasn't yet winter and it was still fall, we were COLD.  The kids and I went to the zoo one morning and it was 12 degrees, yes 12!  Colton kept telling everybody he came across, "It is cold up here in Alaska!"  Although it was cold, the sky was blue and the sun was shining (which is a rarity in WA).  By the end of the trip we were starting to acclimate to the cold, 30 degrees felt a bit cozy.

It was 7 degrees when we took this picture!  
Macie turned two on our trip and we were able to have a little party for her at our friend's house.  I started to make the cake for the party, but when I got ready to decorate it Mike took over.  I think he was afraid that I would just serve it on a dinner plate and slap some frosting on it without bothering to smooth it out (which I would have).  Our friends have 4 boys and including brother that made the guest list for Macie's party 5 boys.  Macie had a blast and from a parent's perspective there wasn't as much high-pitched squealing as there would have been if the guest list included 5 girls!

We attended a church in Wasilla one Sunday and had the opportunity to share about our ministry with the Sunday School class.  I don't know if this is a normal thing to do, but even though it was 12 degrees outside that morning all of the windows were open in the sanctuary and the fans were on!  I didn't want to look like an "out of towner" so I didn't put on my jacket and I toughed it out.  At the end of the service the pastor was excited to introduce us to a person who...wait for it.  Grew up in Indonesia as an MK and flew on MAF as a child!  Out of all the places to meet a person from Indonesia, Wasilla wasn't what I was expecting.

The next day we spent lunch at his house with his family and he told us LOTS of stories about growing up in Papua, Indonesia.  He served us some coffee that was grown outside of Wamena and it was wonderful, I am looking forward to drinking more of it in my future.  They also taught us how to make sticky rice for dessert. He taught Colton a few tips on how to be a good MK, one of those tips was how to properly roast a Cicada.  In the mornings he said it was fun to run to the screen door, grab a Cicada by the wings, flick it on the head, set it on top of mom's stove, roast it, and then pop it into his mouth for breakfast!  Colton replied by yelling, "I don't want to eat BUGS!"  He was assured that they taste like Snickers without the chocolate.  When in Rome...  Or in this case when in Papau...  

Cicada it's what's for breakfast.


  1. Awesome, guys! Sounds like some well spent time up there. Happy birthday, Macie!

  2. Thanks Brendon! She did have a great birthday.
