Saturday, March 24, 2012

Free Flight Time

Mike had the opportunity yesterday to acquire some FREE flight time.  It is always nicer to fly the airplane knowing that it isn't draining your wallet every minute that you spend up in the sky!  Servant Wings is the organization we are a part of that has been helping Mike with his flight training.  Servant Wings has corporate members that pay for the aircraft rental allowing candidate pilots like Mike to build flight time without going into debt.  

The airplane that Servant Wings uses for all of it's corporate flights is the Cessna 206 which rents out for $150/hr.  The 206 is actually the type of aircraft that Mike will be taking his technical evaluation in for Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) in late April.  We don't usually fly the 206 to acquire flight time because it is about twice the amount to rent as the Cessna 152, so you can see why these corporate flights are so valuable.  Mike flew out to Pasco, WA and back and gained about 3.7 flight hours.  After some quick math you can see that we saved a bundle yesterday!

Mike with the Cessna 206
Some fun facts about the Cessna 206:

  • It served for MAF in Venezuela for almost 20 years
  • It transported about 4,000,000 lbs. of cargo while in service
  • 3 babies were born on it
  • Tractors, a horse, bees, fish, medicine, Bibles, pastors, and many other vital supplies were transported on it
  • A very generous board member of Servant Wings bought the plane and donated it to Servant Wings 


  1. That's great that you guys were blessed with the free flight time! I love your blog, its a great way to keep up with you guys from Canada!

  2. how on earth was a horse transported on it?! :)

    1. I asked if it was full grown or a foal and I was told that it was a full grown horse. They used tranquilizers on it and took out the seats in the back. Imagine if the dosage was incorrect and it woke up during the flight! It would have been a "Tommy Boy" like experience.
